GA/TN/AL, each state is making strides in real changes for literacy instruction. CERTS and the companies we represent are here to help!
I'm Ron Cox, the founder and President of CERTS, and a former teacher and administrator, parent to a teacher, and long-time business executive in educational publishing.
CERTS represents caring companies with the most effective print and technology resources to support the critical needs of today's schools: foundational literacy, science-based instructional resources that address all the "strands of the rope"!
- foundational literacy and comprehension, writing and grammar, and content knowledge,
- standards-driven instruction from elementary to high school,
- intervention for those needing additional su,
- ELL or ESE instruction that's research-proven, and
- trade book collections customized to your needs with softcover or "lifetime" Turtleback covers
Companies we represent include:
(Click on the logo to learn more about each of these companies!) Check out how they're providing support in this unusual time!
Email us for current special offers: ron.cox@certsed.com
Email us for current special offers: ron.cox@certsed.com
We hope to see you again "up close and personal", or "virtual" as needed, and we look forward to hearing from you soon! In the meantime, stay safe and well and thank you for all you do for all our kids!
Like us on Facebook at "certsroncox"